Whale Watching

Whale Watching for Beginners in Perth

With so many species of whales on the planet, it can be quite a task to witness all of them. From the rare North Atlantic Right Whale, all the way to the mythical Hump Back Whale – whale watchers everywhere are spoilt for choice. If you’re new to the activity however, then it’s a great idea to get to know a little more about these unique species. That way, you’ll know the traits that you’re interested in watching, as well as the locations and habits of these beautiful mammals.
The North Atlantic Right Whale
With only 250 of these whales left in the wild – it can be very challenging to see them in their natural habitat. Fortunately, they still call a particular region of Quebec their home. These huge creatures are instantly recognizable thanks to the unique white markings on either side of the tail fin, although approaching them may be a challenge, as they are a notoriously shy animal.
The Blue Whale
Coming in at a close second in notoriety to the Hump Back Whale, blue whales can go incredibly large – and the largest have grown to be even larger than ships! This gentle giant is incredibly approachable however – although a pair of binoculars may be required to appreciate the stunning blue hues of the whales’ skin. You’ll see them in most oceans, and all year round too.
The Hump Back Whale
The true champion amongst whale-kind – the hump back whale is the largest and heaviest of whales on the planet. They migrate often; searching for fresh food supplies to satisfy their enormous appetites. As a result, they can be seen in the Pacific, Atlantic and even the Mediterranean oceans throughout the year.
The Sperm Whale
Although these creatures closely resemble blue whales in both colour and appearance; they couldn’t be more different. Where blue whales open their gaping mouths to catch fish; sperm whales inhale smaller shoals and then crush them with their tongues. You’ll see sperm whales around coastal regions, and as they are often hunted by other underwater predators – it’s not impossible so see them from a beach of hill.
Killer Whales
If the name doesn’t strike fear in to your heart, then their behaviour might. Although they are consider one of the most intelligent mammals on the planet – the truth is that whales are actually incredibly ruthless killers. They track their prey (who are often several times larger than themselves), and then by using sonar, they work together in pods to bring their meal down. Although they prefer warmer regions around the equator, it’s not uncommon to see them within coastal communities, and certain species have even been spotted in and around rivers and lakes.
Pilot Whales
Often mistaken for dolphins from a distance; pilot whales are second in intelligence only to killer whales. They travel in pods that can range in size from a few, to dozens at a time. Their rounded teeth are ideal for picking smaller fish out from a shoal, and you can see them in and around Africa, New Zealand and Brazil.

Most Epic Maui Whale Watch EVER – part 2, http://www.mauiwhalewatchtours.com Maui whale watching has never been so good! 2 men about to dive off the west coast of Maui, Hawaii, get the unexpected whale watch of a lifetime! Not far from shore south of Lahaina Town, one humpback whale in particular decides to let us know that whale season is in full effect. This was shot while on a 10 foot zodiac on an iPhone and with a GoPro.,

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